About Body Elements
The unique Body Elements supplement, made from a stable, bioavailable Silicic Acid (a compound of Silicon) solution, is the first of its kind & uses a combination of essential elements including Boron, MSMSulphur, Selenium, Zinc, Calcium, L-Carnitine and Magnesium.
It is precisely the combination and synergy of these elements, and the manner in which they are linked, that makes Body Elements so effective at helping to keep bones strong, joints healthy and enables the body to absorb it better than any other Silicon product on the market.
Effect and Composition
Even with a balanced & healthy diet every human experiences a deficiency in certain minerals as they age. This is because there is not enough of these trace elements in our soil.
Fruit, vegetables, meat and dairy products today contain too little of these important substances. If this deficit is not compensated it will inevitably lead to serious health problems.
The patented formula of Body Elements consists of 7 major, highly concentrated and 100% absorbable organic minerals.
Because of its balanced composition Body Elements has a positive effect on the entire body giving benefits to:
Skeletal System
Powerful Muscles
Strong Nails and Hair
Flexible Joints
Healthy Bone Density
Skin Elasticity
About Body Elements:
Body Elements is a patented formula that consists of seven very important minerals in a studied concentration. The balanced composition of Body Elements has a positive effect on the whole body. It makes bones, muscles and blood vessels healthy, strengthens the nails and makes the hair thicker.
Body Elements also influences the quality & elasticity of the skin through stimulation of collagen & keratin.
Body Elements is a liquid Silicon supplement which helps to improve the misery of stiff joints, with research showing long term use can help bone formation as well as maintain healthy joints. 1.
It has been proven that as we age the levels of Silicon in our bodies decline. 2.
When we are young our tissues absorb and maintain high levels of Silicon and simultaneously our bodies remain flexible & resilient.
But as we age our Silicon levels decrease and we begin to exhibit signs of ageing such as stiff or sore joints, weaker bones and lack of energy.
Weakness in bones, joints and connective tissues are the most significant causes of muscle pain and illness in the UK.
More than 10 million adults (6 million women and 4million men) consult their GP each year with arthritis related conditions.
This becomes more common with age, with 1 in 10 people aged 15-24 seeking a GP consultation each year for a musculoskeletal problem, rising to 1 in 3 people over 75 seeking consultation. 3.
The unique Body Elements supplement, made from a stable, bioavailable Silicic Acid (a compound of Silicon) solution, is the first of its kind and uses a combination of essential elements including Boron, MSM Sulphur, Selenium, Zinc, Calcium and Magnesium.
It is precisely the combination and synergy of these elements, and the manner in which they are linked, that makes Body Elements so effective at helping to keep bones strong, joints healthy and enables the body to absorb it better than any other Silicon product on the market.
We don’t need to age before we start using a Silicon supplement either.
In fact, using a supplement such as Body Elements when we are younger can help keep our joints, muscles and bones healthy in later life.
It is also a great way to help keep you in good shape if you play any sports and may help speed up recovery from injuries.
Research from Body Elements highlights the impact poor joint health has on people who exercise, a third (33%) play less sport because of joint pain, over a quarter (28%) have to change the type of sport they play because of joint pain and over a fifth (22%) have to cut the amount of time they spend playing sport as a result of the condition.
Why we need Silicon:
Natural health and nutrition expert Dr Sarah Brewer explains:
“The highest concentration of Silicon in the body is found
in connective tissues such as ligaments, tendons and cartilage.
This is because it is essential to strengthen structural proteins such
as Collagen and Elastin, which are essential for healthy bones and
joints. Silicon also encourages the deposition of Calcium
into bones, keeping them healthy and strong.”
“If you do not absorb enough Silicon from your diet, then
joint health is likely to be affected. The formation of new,
strong joint cartilage is reduced and bones can become
more brittle.”
“A liquid Silicon supplement, in an easily absorbable form,
helps to increase the levels of Silicon in the body and helps
to keep bones and joints healthy.”
Dr Sarah Brewer
1 Tim D Spector1, Mario R Calomme*2, Simon H Anderson 3, Gail Clement 1, Liisa Bevan1, Nathalie Demeester 2, Rami Swaminathan 4, Ravin Jugdaohsingh 5,6,7, Dirk A Vanden Berghe, 2 and Jonathan J Powell, 7.
June 2008. Choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid supplementation as an adjunct to Calcium/Vitamin D3 stimulates markers of bone formation in osteopenic females: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial
2 Edith Muriel Carlisle , Science of The Total Environment, Volume 73, Issues 1-2, 1 July 1988, Pages 95-106 Organosilicon and related group IV species in the aquatic environment
3 Royal collage of general practitioners - Birmingham research unit. annual prevalence report 2006