What is in Body Elements?
Body Elements is a unique liquid Silicon food supplement for bone and joint health.
Body Elements provides:
- Si = Silicon: necessary for health bones, joints , arteries, cartilage and connective tissue health and rejuvenation.
- Selenium: vital component of the immune system and also acts as a powerful antioxidant.
- Zinc: needed to aid bone formation and plays a key role in the metabolic process through its enzymatic affinity.
- Boron : needed for healthy bones because it boosts production of vitamin D
- Calcium : essential for strong bones and regulates muscle contractions
- Magnesium : Helps to maintian healthy tissiues and regulates Calcium transport in the body.
- MSM Sulphur : Sulphur is essential to health and vital for healthy conective tissues that contain collagen and a good natural anti-inflamitory.
How much of each ingredient do I get per day?
Per daily dose of 10 drops;
MSM = 30mg, Silicon (Orthosilicic acid) = 5.6mg, Calcium 55.1mg,
Magnesium = 25.2mg, Zinc = 3mg, Boron = 0.3mg, L-Carnitine = 230mg, Manganese = 0.6mg, Selenium = 16.5µg.
less than 0.025 kcal/0.12kj per 10 drops
How does Body Elements compare to other Joint products on the market?
The main difference between Body Elements and other products on the market is that Body Elements uses Silicon as Silicic Acid (the bio available form of Silicon) and not the traditional ingredients of Glucosamine and Chondroitin etc.
Also it is the only product that works on the whole structural system (bones, joints, ligaments, tendons and cartilage) actively promoting repair. The bio availability is another key to the product. The clustering of other ingredients to the Silicic Acid makes them extremely bio available.
What makes it Unique?
Body Elements (liquid Silicon) is a unique, stable, bio available Silicic acid (Silicon) solution, containing Selenium and Zinc. It is precisely the combination and synergy of these essential elements and the manner in which they are linked that makes Body Elements so effective and unique.
What other Silicon products are there on the market?
There are a few Silicon supplements on the market but these contain Silicon in the form of Silicon Dioxide (Si02) compounds. Silicon in these forms cannot be directly absorbed, therefore making them less successful.
These Silicon compounds have to be attacked in the stomach by gastric acids and digestive enzymes to be transformed into Silicic Acid, the bio available form of Silicon. This bio available form of Silicon is inherently unstable and will quickly form higher molecular weight polymers that are not bio-available.
Until now Silicic Acid could not be stabilized in a food supplement. Core Elements has now developed a stabilised bio-available formulation of Silicic Acid complexes. Body Elements also clusters other key ingredients like Selenium, Zinc, MSM, Boron, Magnesium and others to keep everything bio available and stable.
How long does Body Elements take to work?
2 weeks – 2 months depending on the person’s existing silicon levels and the condition it is treating.
How long does one bottle last?
One 25ml bottle lasts for approx 50 days if used daily.
Are there any side effects?
No - As with any type of supplement, there is always a possibility that individuals may be sensitive to one or more ingredients contained in the product. We always recommend that in the event of any unusual symptoms being noted upon taking our products they should be discontinued. We would also recommend in such cases to consult your doctor.
Is Body Elements suitable for Vegetarians/Coeliac’s/Diabetics/Gluten intolerant/Shellfish allergies?
Yes - Core Elements Silicon supplement is completely gluten-free and suitable for coeliac’s, free from ingredients sourced from dairy milk products and fish and contains no meat products.
How much do I take?
The recommended daily intake is 5 drops twice a day mixed in water or juice, yoghurt milk etc. Not to be taken in hot drinks as it destroys the bio-availability.
How long should I take it for?
Body Elements has been specially formulated to maximise the benefits through long term use.
Can you take if Pregnant/Breast feeding?
Our food supplements are deemed safe. However, we always recommend that those who are pregnant or breast-feeding consult their doctor prior to taking any type of supplements.
Can I take with other medication?
Because it is a natural supplement it should be safe to take with other medication. However, we always recommend that those who are pregnant or breast-feeding consult their doctor prior to taking any type of supplements.
What does Bio-Available mean?
Bio-available means that it is in a form that can be digested and utilised in the body.
Does it taste of anything?
When added in a glass of water it has very little taste.
Can I take Body Elements with other supplements?
Yes - If you are taking other supplements please ensure that the daily maximum safety limit for the active ingredients of the products is not exceeded, which would be highly unlikely with this product.
What is Silicon?
Silicon is the second most abundant element in the earth’s crust. Although abundant it is never found in free form. Silicon is all around us, but little is in a form that we can assimilate and use. It is non toxic and a mineral which is naturally apparent in our bodies. Silicon is a key support element for life. It is important to the strength of the structures of our blood vessels, organs, skin, hair and bones.
Human studies in 1979 showed that Silicon supplementation increased bone volume. In 1990, it was shown that Silicon had a positive effect on osteoporosis. Additional human studies in 1993, 1998, and 2000 showed that Silicon supplementation improved bone mineral density.
What is Silicon good for?
Silicon is a trace mineral required for the formation of healthy connective tissue, bone, skin, hair and nails. Silicon is essential for collagen formation, healthy arteries and regulates calcium deposition in bones. Studies at The American University UCL and other research centres have proven that Silicon is essential to the growth and development as well as general integrity of bones, joints, cartilage and connective tissues.
Silicon intake is associated with higher bone mineral density (BMD) in men and pre-menopausal women. Silicon promotes bone materialisation.
Bones: Silicon is essential to collagen formation and bone calcification in tissue (bone mineralization). Anyone suffering from a Silicon deficiency will also have lower concentrations of collagen, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and glycosaminoglycans in the bones and cartilage tissue (Carlisle 1970).
Joints: Silicon plays an essential part in the development and maintenance of joint cartilage as a means of guaranteeing joint and ligament integrity. If we do not assimilate enough Silicon from our diet then joint development is likely to be affected. Joints may be stunted or malformed and the overall volume of the joint cartilage is reduced.
Aorta and other arteries: Silicon can help to maintain the resistance and integrity of the tunica intima, the innermost layer of an artery. A healthy cardiovascular system needs Silicon to make elastin, a tissue forming part of the inner layer of arteries and capillaries. Unhealthy arteries are often caused by lack of Silicon.
What is the skeleton made of and why is Silicon important?
While our skeleton is the basic foundation of support and protection, the bones that make up this organ system are not a lifeless collection of minerals stuck together. Essentially, bone is a dynamic organ system composed of both hard and soft tissue. Additionally, bone is an integral part of the human metabolism, not an isolated mechanical structure, and it affects many bodily systems and functions.
Do we have Silicon in our bodies throughout life?
It has been proven that as we age the levels of Silicon in our bodies decline. In our youth, our tissues absorb and maintain high levels of Silicon and simultaneously our bodies remain flexible and resilient. Subsequently, as we age our Silicon levels decrease and we begin to exhibit signs of aging such as stiff or sore joints, weaker bones and lack of energy.
Can Silicon help us to stay healthy as we grow old, remain youthful and maintain a state of less pain?
If we maintain a regular supply of a Silicon supplement as we age this could help maintain a more youthful state and to enable us to live our lives in minimal pain. Weakness in bones, joints and connective tissues is one of the most significant causes of muscle pain and illnesses.
Research has shown that adding Silicon, Selenium and Zinc to the daily diet improves resistance and elasticity within the body. This could help humans in terms of suffering fewer diseases and bone related and connective tissue injuries.
Is there a deficiency of Silicon in our bodies?
Until 20th Century there was no Silicon deficiency. Intensive farming practices and application of chemical fertilizers have depleted the amount of Silicon available to plants in the soil, and thus to animals and humans. Studies have shown that whilst other elements are restored through fertilisation, Silicon is not.
How many forms is Silicon available in and which can be absorbed the easiest?
- Salt form: Solubility is very limited. Silicon in salt has very little bio availability
- Gel form: Silicon in gel form is Bio-Available through an extremely long decomposition process
- Soluble form: Silicic acid. Silicon is readily bio-Available and extremely easily absorbed
Is Silicon able to help help osteoporosis?
Over 1.14 million postmenopausal women have been diagnosed with osteoporosis in England and Wales. Osteoporosis is responsible for 20,000 fractures a year in the UK (20% in men) – the cost to the NHS is £1 billion. One third of women (35%) will sustain fractures as a result of osteoporosis.
Silicon is an important dietary supplement to help fight osteoporosis. Silicon may be useful as a preventive or therapeutic agent against osteoporosis in combination with Ipriflavone²[i], Calcium and vitamin D.
In a recent study³, a positive correlation was shown between dietary Silicon intake and bone mineral density (BMD) at the hip in men and pre-menopausal women, suggesting that higher Silicon intake may have a beneficial effect on cortical bone health.
Role of beer and bone health
Silicon is readily bio available in beer and as a result, Dr JJ Powell (King’s College London) suggests that “beer’s alcoholic content and unique Silicon content are responsible for promoting bone health”. Beer intake has been associated with higher BMD.
Good food sources for Silicon[ii]
A few foods contain levels of Silicon; these include beer, bananas, string beans, white bread, beans/lentils, coffee and dark bread. Absorption varies depending on whether you are male or female. For men the top 3 are: beer, bananas, and white bread. For women the top 3 are: bananas, string beans and white bread.
Is liquid Silicon good for skin?
A clinical study in 2005¹[iii] showed that in just 20 weeks, shallow wrinkles improved by up to 30% and skin elasticity improved by 55%, as well as a significant reduction of brittleness in nails and hair. A 20-week double-blind study took place using 50 women, ages 40 to 65, who had clear signs of sun-damaged or prematurely aging skin. Half of the women received 10 mg of biologically active Silicon in the form of choline-stabilized OSA, the other half were given a placebo.
Joint information FAQ
Definition of osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis (OA), which is also known as osteoarthrosis or degenerative joint disease (DJD), is a progressive disorder of the joints caused by gradual loss of cartilage and resulting in the development of bony spurs and cysts at the margins of the joints. The name osteoarthritis comes from three Greek words meaning bone, joint, and inflammation. – Medical dictionary
Who gets osteoarthritis?
Osteoarthritis is a condition that affects the joints. It is the most common type of arthritis in the UK. Around 1 million people see their GP about it and the NHS in England and Wales perform over 140,000 hip and knee replacement operations every year.
Three key characteristics of osteoarthritis are:
- mild inflammation of the tissues in and around the joints
- damage to cartilage, the strong, smooth surface that lines the bones and allows joints to move easily and without friction
- bony growths that develop around the edge of the joints
Osteoarthritis mostly occurs in the knees, hips and small joints of the hands and base of the big toe. However, almost any joint can be affected. (NHS Choices online)
Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis and it is not confined to the older generations, as many believe. Young people can also develop it, often as a result of a sports injury or excessive exercise leading to wear and tear on joints.
OA is also surprisingly common among athletes. In the UK alone there are 27,000 people under the age of 25 suffering from arthritis.
There is no know cure for Osteoarthritis.
Other common bone/joint conditions
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Back pain
- Muscle pain
- Ostoporosis
What is the best way to look after our joints (alongside taking Body Elements)?
Maintaining a healthy weight and keeping active are the best ways to ensure your joints stay healthy.
What is in Body Elements?
Body Elements is a unique liquid Silicon food supplement for bone and joint health.
Body Elements provides:
- Silicon: necessary for health bones, joints , arteries, cartilage and connective tissue
- Selenium: vital component of the immune system and also acts as a powerful antioxidant
- Zinc: needed to aid bone formation and plays a key role in the metabolic process through its enzymatic affinity
Body Elements liquid Silicon contains: 7,800mcg Silicon; 31 mcg Selenium; 36 mcg Zinc.
How does Body Elements compare to other Silicon products on the market? Is it unique?
The main difference between Body Elements and other products on the market is that Body Elements uses Silicon as Silicic Acid (the bio available form of Silicon) and not the traditional ingredients of Glucosamine and Chondroitin etc.
Also it is the only product that works on the whole structural system (bones, joints, ligaments, tendons and cartilage) actively promoting repair. The bio availability is another key to the product. The clustering of other ingredients to the Silicic Acid makes them extremely bio available.
Body Elements (liquid Silicon) is a unique, stable, bio available Silicic acid (Silicon) solution, containing Selenium and Zinc. It is precisely the combination and synergy of these essential elements and the manner in which they are linked that makes Body Elements so effective and unique.
What other Silicon products are there on the market?
There are a few Silicon supplements on the market but these contain Silicon in the form of Silicon Dioxide (Si02) compounds. Silicon in these forms cannot be directly absorbed, therefore making them unsuccessful.
These Silicon compounds have to be attacked in the stomach by gastric acids and digestive enzymes to be transformed into Silicic Acid, the bio available form of Silicon. This bio available form of Silicon is inherently unstable and will quickly form higher molecular weight polymers that are not bio available.
Until now Silicic Acid could not be stabilized in a food supplement. Core Elements has now developed a stabilised bio-available formulation of Silicic Acid complexes. Body Elements also clusters other key ingredients like Selenium, Zinc, MSM, Boron, Magnesium and others to keep everything bio available and stable.
[i] Ipriflavone is derived from the class of important phytonutrients called isoflavones, which are naturally found in soy. Ipriflavone is widely accepted around the world and is a registered medication for the treatment of osteoporosis in Europe, Japan and Argentina. Its chemical structure is similar to estrogens and consequently, the body uses it in much the same way to help reduce bone loss. With numerous human trials behind it, Ipriflavone has been shown to be an effective agent for the treatment of osteoporosis.
[ii] Jugdaohsingh et al - AJCN 2002; 75:887-93
[iii] Barel et al. (2004) Effect of oral intake of choline-stabilized Silicic acid on skin, nails and hair in women with photo-damaged facial skin, Skin Research and Technology, 10: 1.
Consult a physician before starting any nutrition or exercise program or if you have, or have a family history of, including but not limited to, Heart problems, Liver, Kidney, thyroid or psychiatric condition, diabetes, asthma, headaches, nervousness/anxiety, Ulcers, or if you are using prescription drugs. Do not exceed the recommended serving. Discontinue use if you experience an allergy from one of the ingredients. Do not use when you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Keep out of reach of Children. Do not put in your eyes. This product should not replace healthy eating, or make up for unhealthy eating.